Hi everyone,
There are twoΒ more sleeps till Christmas! I’m excited for the good food and spending time with my family. This past weekend we had family over for dinner, watched movies, baked cookies, shopped and went for drinks during the day. Right now the weather in Vancouver is depressing with the heavy rain, I’m currently wishing I was in a sunny destination, but it just gave me an excuse to lounge around in my PJs all morning.
Cocktails after cleaning and prepping for Saturday’s dinner. We then watched This Is Where I Leave You. It was a pretty good movie, we both were not into watching anything too dramatic or intense that night.
Our guests and dinner, Curtis made Turducken and it was a hit!
Baking at my mom’s house Sunday, followed by more Turducken.
Monday, Curtis and I had day drinks at the Yew downtown followed by a dinner/movie date with my brother. We sawΒ Rebel without a Cause at The Cinematheque.
Merry Christmas! I hope everyone enjoys the holidays no matter how you are celebrating! It’s a time to spend with family and friends and eat delicious food!