June 22, 2016

A Stress-Free Vacation Checklist

Stress Free Vacation Checklist

Stress-Free Vacation Checklist
The best part of traveling is the new experiences in unknown places. But there are travel surprises that dampen the fun, like having a credit card frozen or a pet sitter bail on you. Here is a Stress-Free Vacation Checklist of things to do in the months and weeks before your big trip. This will help keep those pesky travel hiccups to a minimal.

If you are in my circle, you’ll know I love to research before my trip. I will look up the best places to eat, off-beaten places to see or do, day trips, art, the best areas to visit etc. That’s just how I like to roll, if I’m organized then I feel more excited to go. Curtis is more of the spontaneous type, but does enjoy that I do the research. It makes a better vacation for him, plus he doesn’t have to do the legwork. But I enjoy that process.
Stress-Free Vacation Checklist

I will also research for my family or friends vacations. Anyways, I know, I know, I’m insane!
Stress-Free Vacation Checklist

I hope that this Stress-Free Vacation Checklist helps with your next vacation. Even if you don’t follow every point, you can at least check off a couple of items. Anything helps!

Don’t forget to download my free Vacation Packing List and check out my Five Tips for Traveling Light. I will also be sharing my Lisbon, Amsterdam, Berlin and Copenhagen travel guides soon! Boy do I wish I was going back to Lisbon this year! So many pretty pictures on Instagram lately.
Stress-Free Vacation Checklist

The Stress-Free Vacation Checklist

Before you book:

When you book the trip:

One month out from travel date:

Two weeks out:

Week before:

Day before:

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11 responses on "A Stress-Free Vacation Checklist"

  1. courtney says:

    Oh my gosh I am SO pinning this for the future!! I am a huge planner, I like to have every detail figured out before hand, especially with things like a vacation!

    La Belle Sirene

  2. Liz Mays says:

    This is so great! There’s more to think about than I realized and breaking it down in a list does take the stress away.

  3. Jessi says:

    I need to remember more of this! Maybe I’m a bad cat owner but I ALWAYS forget to arrange petsitting at the last minute 🙊 and I love the idea of washing the sheets before you go – so easy and would make such a difference but I’ve never thought of it before.


  4. Bree Hogan says:

    This sounds like something I would write out myself. I definitely work to a checklist whenever I am about to travel. Helps to keep me sane!

  5. I love this! I am a huge planner and my friend I normally travel with hates how into planning I am. I want to send him this list lol

  6. candy says:

    Keeping this for our big trip to Ireland next year.

  7. Jennifer says:

    Great checklist. Thanks for sharing this.

  8. B. Rossi says:

    Great tips! 😃

  9. Emily says:

    I’m going to North Carolina on Saturday so I will be putting this list to good use! 🙂

  10. Lauren says:

    Love this list! this will help me take a more active role in planning vacations- the stress and fear always holds be back. Great post!
    xx, Lauren {www.rosesandrainboots.com}

  11. Cori says:

    I need to print this off! I’ve got a mini vacay coming up and the only thing I’ve done it get the plane tickets…yeah….