December 21, 2020

Rowan’s Ninth Month

Rowan's Ninth Month

HOW IS SHE 9 MONTHS OLD???? Here’s a full 9-month update on our little girl! She has changed so much in the past four weeks! You can see her eight month update here.

Where do I even start? It’s like Rowan has fully become a person in the past month, and now she is fully mobile, standing, walking around the coffee table, chairs, couch, bed, and crawling as fast as she can all over the house. Rowan is off in .5 seconds. She LOVES to move and explore and touch and play with anything in the house and her toys. She is just such an adventurous and unpredictable girl, I love it. Oh and Rowan sometimes takes 1 or 2 steps before sitting, I feel any day now she will walk!

She just got her second part of the flu shot last week and didn’t cry! She is all over the place and has such a wide and varying range of unpredictable emotions. She does this really cute thing when she sees someone new where she nuzzles into my shoulder and hides, I love it. If I tell her “no” she SLAMS her hands down and babbles loudly at me like she is yelling back, it’s hilarious. Or she just smiles at you while still continuing to do what you are saying no to haha. Curtis says it’s the Italian in her to be loud and use her hands wildly in gestures LOL.

And she’s a chatty little thing, always talking, babbling, calling for Curtis or me, and blowing raspberries. Have I mentioned that Rowan LOVES to dance? If you play music, hum a song or play a tune on her xylophone, those little hips start swaying haha. Her music class has definitely improved her love for the tunes. She can now hit her stick on the xylophone, shake her little musical eggs, and tap her hands on a drum!

This month I am focusing on allowing her to feed herself much more, as her pincher grip has gotten much better. I love to cut slivers for her and let her grab them to eat. She loves anything we feed her, I’m serious, nothing lately has been awful. Rowan is more inclined to eat something that is spiced or has sauce on it, so not a plain eater at all! She is eating 3 meals a day now, and has a huge appetite! Still no teeth yet, but we aren’t worried, they’ll come soon enough.
Rowan's Ninth Month

Rowan’s biggest love is Oscar the dog and it is so endearing watching her crawl so quickly over to Oscar to play or poke him. She also loves to ride on her little car, we push her fast down the hall and she just giggles with glee and has a big smile on her face, she is for sure a little daredevil. We fake wrestle with her and she just giggles haha.

And her sleeping has improved, back to falling asleep on her own (even the occasional nap) and that means less time for Curtis and I to get her down. Sometimes she babbles for a bit, giggles, and then eventually passes out.

She is truly a joy and a dream baby. She smiles all the time, barely cries (that four month regression was the exception), I thought I could never have a kid like this but she is somehow mine and I am the luckiest. Her schedule right now goes like so:

Her schedule lately
7:30-8 AM: Wake up for a feed, a diaper change, day time outfit, and playtime while mom showers and eats
9:00 AM Breakfast – oatmeal with nut butter, fruit puree, some breastmilk, and naptime follows
11 AM: Wakeup, diaper change, playtime on the floor or a walk
12 PM: Lunch, followed by milk, a book, and playtime
1-1:30 PM: Nap
2:30-5:30 PM: We try to get outside for a walk, play, feed every couple of hours
5:30 PM: Dinner and milk
7 PM: Bathtime, pajamas, have a pumped bottle, and storytime
7:30 PM: Go down for a 10-11 hour sleep, lights are turned off, white noise machine goes on

Mommy Update

I am learning ways to get “me” time in with her, and how to efficiently still get my work done… or just work less. I am also accepting that maybe this isn’t my season for growth at work, just my season to hang on and get by. It is hard to accept as women that sometimes we need to take a step back, re-evaluate, not compare ourselves and enjoy the time of life that we are currently in. That has been me this month. Realizing that if I am missing a day of posting online, or if something doesn’t turn out exactly as planned, that is okay. I keep reminding myself that trying times come with growth, and this year has definitely been a year of growing, learning, and changing. I don’t want to rush Rowan being so little and cute, and I do get sad at how quickly she is growing up. I find myself missing my bump, and missing those early newborn days, even though they were so difficult also. Anyway, mom thoughts!

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