April 18, 2016

Make Your Mornings More Productive

Make Your Mornings More Productive

I for one am not a morning person. I like to spend my mornings in a relaxed state after 9am. I would say I’m like my nana and prefer to stay up later at night where I feel more productive. Not everyone has the capability of being a morning person and becoming one may seem too difficult. One of my resolutions this year was to get up earlier and make my mornings more productive. The good news is you only need to make a few simple changes to your routine to become an early bird and to make your mornings more productive. I’ve listed five ways below that are easy to incorporate in your routine. Even just doing one of them at a time will help you out this week!

5 Ways to Make Your Mornings More Productive

1. Get enough sleep

We all know what happens when we don’t get enough sleep; we feel lethargic and completely unprepared to face the day. The main thing you have to do to have a more productive morning is to go to bed early. With the additional hours of sleep, you’ll wake up feeling fresh and happy. Simple enough, right? It also helps with overeating or make bad food choices because we are tired.

Read my post on 6 Ways to Get a Better Sleep

2. Write down a to-do list

Think about all the things you have to do the night before and write them down. In the morning, you’ll know what you have to do, and organizing your time will be way easier. List writing is generally very therapeutic. Not only does it help to rid the mind of clutter, it also brings everything that needs to be done into plain sight.

3. Be motivated

Find a reason to get up in the morning. For example, you might want to wake up early to fit in a morning workout, or to have some extra time to cook a healthy breakfast. Starting off your day with an accomplishment is a good way to go.
Make Your Mornings More Productive

4. Take your time

Give your morning routine plenty of time. Nothing is worse than running out of time and not being able to do everything you had on your to-do list. Give yourself time to wake up, get ready, drink your coffee and prepare for the day ahead. I like to plan my outfit and make my lunch the night before. Two less things to worry about each morning.
Make Your Mornings More Productive

5. Have a playlist

Start your morning with some music. This will help you wake up in a good mood, and make you more motivated throughout the day. Try Spotify online or download their app. Who doesn’t sing in the shower or dance while brushing their teeth? It can’t just be me 🙂
Make Your Mornings More Productive

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56 responses on "Make Your Mornings More Productive"

  1. Sheila Jo says:

    Great tips! I am more productive when I make a to do list the night before, but that doesn’t always happen. 🙂

  2. Justine says:

    I think that I like the playlist tip best. Dancing helps get me energized for the day ahead!

  3. Brittany says:

    It’s so hard to go to sleep on time sometimes, but I really do always feel so much better the next day when I do!

  4. Great tips! I rarely turn music on in the morning, but I think it’s a great idea.

  5. Jessica says:

    These are great ideas for a more productive morning! I like the idea of the playlist to get you pumped up for the rest of the day 🙂
    – Jessica
    Miss Moore Style

  6. M says:

    A good playlist is the key to seriously successful morning. Plus, it always makes you feel good to start the day off dancing too! Loved the post 🙂


  7. Emily says:

    My favorite tip is to give yourself time. I love waking up at least an hour early in order to give myself time to wake up, make some coffee/tea, and have some me-time. Great tips!

  8. What great tips, last year I started making a to do list and it changed my life, not only does it feel good to check things off it keeps me on task when I start watching snap chat or let my head wander off elsewhere! Thanks for sharing 🙂 xo C

  9. Katie Murray says:

    This was such a great post to read after a very chaotic Monday! I will definitely be doing these tonight and tomorrow morning to hopefully have a more productive Tuesday!

  10. Katie Murray says:

    This is such a great post, and exactly something I needed to read after a very chaotic Monday. I will definietly be trying some of these tonight and tomorrow morning!

  11. Jane Marie says:

    Love this! Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. I am and always have been a night person. I have changed over the years but only when needed, then I go back to stay up late. It’s like that peaceful time at night is the perfect time for me to relax and concentrate. Checklists and music have always worked wonders for me… cooking and working out, mmm not so much ;D

  13. I am and always have been a night person. I have changed over the years but only when needed, then I go back to stay up late. It’s like that peaceful time at night is the perfect time for me to relax and concentrate. Checklists and music have always worked wonders for me… cooking and working out, mmm not so much ;D

  14. Tanya says:

    Love number 5. The right music can put you in a fabulous mood for the rest of your day!

  15. Great tips! Love having my planner around to write down everything that I need to do during the day. Having a playlist is such a great idea, I’m going to start listening to music more. Thanks!

  16. Mickey says:

    My best tip for me is to get up 15 minutes earlier then you planned too. Even a few minute of buffer in my morning is a huge help. Great post especially the play list!
    xoxo Mickey http://www.mybashfullife.com/

  17. Mickey says:

    My best tip for me is to get up 15 minutes earlier then you planned too. Even a few minute of buffer in my morning is a huge help. Great post especially the play list!
    xoxo Mickey http://www.mybashfullife.com/

  18. Lauren says:

    I really enjoyed reading this. Your tips are spot on! Definitely going to save this and reference it when I need reminders. With the blog and working full time it can be overwhelming at times.
    xo, Lauren

  19. Lauren says:

    A to do list is really important. Good post. Thank you. 🙂



  20. erika blair says:

    Love it! I have seen a few of these lists– but none of them have included MUSIC!! Thanks for the tips!

  21. amanda says:

    I always write a to do list when I have a lot of things to get through, it is so helpful!

  22. Sierra says:

    Love these! I really like planning my most strenuous tasks in the mornings, so I will be more willing to get up in the morning. If I have something to look forward to, it’s so much easier to get up!

  23. Ron Preston says:

    Your post was very insightful and reiterated some lessons I learned from two key books that have helped me be more productive(though I find productivity comes naturally, since I love planning). Those books mention several of your tips. Eat that Frog and What the most successful people do be your eat breakfast. Great Post!

  24. I like that you suggested to have a playlist! I get everything done better when I have music to go with it! 🙂 My problem is the sleep – I can’t seem to fall asleep fast enough to get a good amount of sleep.

  25. Tanya says:

    I am terrible at mornings! I already do the planning and the playlist. But I’ll need to step up my game. I will focus on the motivation I think. I love your quote! Getting up and starting all the to-dos for the day seems like such a chore in the morning, but in the end those are all things I WANTED to do. I should remind myself of that more often.

  26. All of those 5 tips are done by me every day. Helps a lot writing down the night before a to do list and completing if first in the morning. Another thing I do although it’s a little extreme is I wake up at 4:30am!! It’s hard in the beginning but it helps making a more productive day.

  27. Ahh I definitely need more sleep!

  28. Jenna says:

    Being motivated is totally the key! If I don’t have much going on that day it’s so much harder to climb out of bed in the morning. Really digging this tip!

  29. I can’t agree more about having a playlist! I usually put on the XX and a few other calm songs on my Spotify to work with, and it really helps me focus!

  30. Karen Grosz says:

    I think that music can definitely be something to add to your morning. My son needs it. However, I love my quiet. For me it is the quiet that calms me and gets me going.

  31. Kusum says:

    Right on, having a playlist is the most important to get me going 🙂
    xx, Kusum | http://www.sveeteskapes.com

  32. Taylor says:

    I definitely agree with sleep! If I don’t get at least 7 hours I am less productive throughout the day and am literally exhausted!

  33. Kristen says:

    Love this post! I’m definitely not a morning person either, but I do find that writing a to-do list each morning and getting to cross things off as the my morning goes on feels pretty great 🙂

  34. These are some great tips. Sleep is critical to thinking and success. The playlist is a great idea. I have been listening to just sounds b/c words distract me.

  35. Love these tips! I wish I had a full morning to myself instead of having to be at work at 8:00am. A girl can drea right? haha I love giving myself enough time in the morning. It sets of my day less stress and leads to a more productive day 🙂

  36. Cassie says:

    Great list! I do most of these already and it does make a huge difference!

  37. Liz Mays says:

    My daughter has been singing the praises of a playlist for a long time! I’m all over the to-do list though. Without it, I’d be lost!

  38. Angie Scheie says:

    I’m constantly working on this. Giving yourself enough time is key!

  39. Hannah Spray says:

    Great advice! Writing out to do lists definitely was a game-changer for me! I never would have made it through wedding planning without them, and I’m never going back!

  40. Emily says:

    Love this! I really like planning the night before my main goals for the next day. It helps me stay motivated and focused 🙂

  41. Love the Make a List…I am such a list person. Without one, I stagnate. Stare at the wall and wonder what I should be doing!!! And sleep…yes, must have lots of sleep too. Love these!! xo

  42. Jasmin N says:

    This is so useful ! I love it 🙂 thanks for sharing!

    <3: Jasmin N | littlethingswithjassy.blogspot.fi

  43. Rosemond says:

    I need to add a morning playlist. I usually start with the news, a less than motivating way to start the day.

  44. I LOVE to-do lists! I feel so productive when I can cross something off! I need to work on the sleep one. Between a full time job teaching job, part time job, blog and 2 toddlers, there is not enough time in a day! To get all my stuff done, I end up staying up much later than planned!

  45. Starr says:

    Getting more sleep and being able to take my time really would improve my mornings!!! I like the list a lot and want to find a way to incorporate it into my crazy morning schedule!

  46. So I do about 3 of these on a daily basis! I’m shocked. Getting enough sleep and keeping track of my to do list always elude me, but 3 out of 5 means I’m probably more productive and better at adulting than I think lol!
    Awesome post!


  47. Tara Berries says:

    I am also not a morning person. I much prefer to stay up late but the world is not built on that so I must adapt. I usually make much lunch the night before and lay my clothes. As a supply teacher, it is imperative that I am ready for last minute calls.

  48. Sara says:

    All of these are great tips. I was a morning person before kids. It was only when they ‘forced’ me to wake up at all hours did I seem to despise mornings.

    They’re older now and living their own lives so I’m back to being a morning person again. Strange how things work sometimes huh?

  49. I’m with you — I like my late nights. It’s when I feel most productive and am able to get the most writing and editing done. Also, there’s nothing like a run under the stars, so I often do my best workouts after dark. Still, I have learned to implement a morning ritual to keep myself from becoming a vampire. 🙂 Love this post!

  50. Jenny says:

    Great tips. I definitely need to work on #1, getting enough sleep.

  51. Ali Gilbert says:

    #1 and #2 are key! Every time I go to bed late I never have any motivation in the morning. And who doesn’t like a to-do list?! Thanks for the tips!

  52. Cristina says:

    Love the tip about taking your time! Lately, I’ve been implementing a one hour quiet time period for myself so I can ease into my day slowly….then I tackle that to-do list!


  53. Ash says:

    Great simple tips! I liked how simple they were and how easy they would be to implement. Your writing style is also very readable.

  54. Marie says:

    Great post! Totally agree with getting enough sleep, so critical

  55. Great little roundup! I also love to listen to Podcasts and journal in the morning. Have you read The Miracle Morning? It’s a game changer when it comes to your morning routine!

  56. Awesome tips! Great reading to start the week the best way possible! Thanks for sharing your experience 🙂