October 14, 2016

Friday Roundup: October 14

Friday Roundup October 14

Friday Roundup October 14Today’s Friday Roundup is just over two weeks from Halloween! Apparently my office goes big on Halloween, and I’m pretty excited to dress up and partake in activities. It’s also a stormy few days here in Vancouver, we are getting the tail end of a typhoon and it goes till Sunday here. So it’s definitely a Netflix and blog work weekend here for us! Movies, TV shows, blog work, DIY projects and laying around in my PJs all day.
Friday Roundup October 14

Last weekend was Thanksgiving for us in Canada. We ate dinner at my nonna’s, went to Steveston with friends, watched movies and binged watched Halt and Catch Fire’s latest season. It was perfect.
Friday Roundup October 14

I wrote up my editorial calendar till the new year and am pretty excited for what’s to come. But at the same time, scared and stressed about getting it all done haha. Also contacting brands I want to work with and when I’m completing all these DIY projects. Oh well, brought it on myself I guess.
Friday Roundup October 14

With the weather being so chilly and well just plain ole shitty, I like to wear my coziest PJs, hang out under the covers and drink so much tea to keep myself warm. I’m also working on my weight loss (go me!), and squeeze in a workout each day at home, plus my training sessions and eating better. Anyone else try making bone broth at home? Any success?
Friday Roundup October 14

What are you up to this weekend? Anyone else in Vancouver?
Friday Roundup October 14

Friday Roundup Links

1. How traffic jams are created (Reddit)
2. Which Winona are you? (Fuse)
3. All of Germany’s breads, all 3,240 of them (The Kitchn)
4. The 1994 Scientology handbook. Just pure crazy! (Messy Nessy Chic)
5. Dare you not to cry! Man’s letter to nurses and doctors who tended to his dead wife (NY Times)
6. A marine dog’s funeral (Little Things)
7. How to care for your denim (The Coveteur)
8. There is an Adderall addiction issue (NY Times)
9. I’m making these tahini chocolate chip cookies soon! (I will not eat Oysters)
10. A fall road trip should be in my future (Pure Wow)

This week on A Life Well Consumed

1. Making a statement with Happiness Boutique
2. Sweet Potato Minestrone Soup

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13 responses on "Friday Roundup: October 14"

  1. Cori says:

    I need to work on my editorial calendar. That’s cool that you were able to get it done through the end of the year. I have to have mine more flexible. I keep a list of on deck posts that are ready to go. If I set up too far ahead, inevitably I’ll find something else I want to post instead. Yeah…

  2. Bree Hogan says:

    I love your friday round-up links. Gorgeous photos too!

    1. Leslie says:

      Thanks Bree!

  3. Valerie says:

    Happy Thanksgiving. What a beautiful place. I love the piano.

  4. Wow! We are hoping we can see posts of your office’s activities. Have a great week ahead!


    1. Leslie says:

      I’ll keep you guys posted!

  5. Sounds like a busy week with chill plans :).

    1. Leslie says:

      A necessary one!

  6. Your photos are lovely, and Vancouver is a beautiful backdrop for your happy face!

    1. Leslie says:

      Thanks so much!

  7. Candy says:

    Busy weekend working around the place. Off for fun evening Saturday. Church and relaxing day to prepare for Monday

    1. Leslie says:

      Sounds nice Candy!