June 10, 2016

Friday Roundup

friday roundup june 10

friday roundup june 10
It’s the weekend and the weather turned for worse here in Vancouver! That’s ok, I have a lot of stuff to catch up on and movies I want to watch. I’m also busy with events and seeing friends this weekend too. Today’s Friday Roundup includes fun links I found with a couple of summer recipes! I’m definitely going to try to make them this season. Especially that chocolate ice cream!

Tonight, I want to throw on comfy sweats because it’s supposed to rain and drink the pineapple infused gin made by Curtis. Tomorrow I have a bloggers workout event and then a spa event, so it should be a fun day! Then we are going to a friends house for dinner and good conversation. Sunday is all about sleeping in, getting shit done and meal prepping for next week. With a sprinkle of laundry and giving Piper a bath thrown in there.

Leo is back at my nana’s, she arrived back from Scotland on Wednesday and let’s just say Leo is pretty happy! Wednesday was also the one year anniversary of Rudy’s death. I missed him that day, he was such a great dog. Piper is now the last one of the original three OG’s. Penny was the first to pass, then Rudy and now it’s only Piper. He’s still doing ok, slow but loves to still go to the beach and cuddle with us. I’m pretty sure this will be his last summer with us. Let the bucket list begin!

And don’t forget to take advantage of this great promo from ThirdLove! We could all use a  new bra, I know I do!

What are your plans this weekend? I keep seeing people leaving on trips and I admit I’m becoming Instagram jealous haha.

Follow me on Snapchat (alifewellconsum) or Instagram!

Friday Roundup Links – June 10

1. The history of Pho (Lucky Peach)
2. Sneaky tricks of prohibition bootleggers (Messy Nessy Chic
3. Vegan chocolate ice cream (Minimalist Baker)
4. Clams emerging from the ocean. (The Kitchn)
5. 8 reminders that things would be worse (Buzzfeed
6. Love these iPhone spoof ads (Adweek)
7. These cat portraits are pretty good (Bored Panda)
8. Imagine the leftovers shredded in a sandwich! Baked Nashville Hot Chicken (A Cozy Kitchen)
9. Now I really want to wallpaper our place! (Apartment Therapy)
10. Ok, these are insane! Triple Decker Peanut Butter S’Mores! (Half Baked Harvest)

This week:

12 things to buy at the farmer’s market

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13 responses on "Friday Roundup"

  1. Kusum says:

    The vegan ice cream looks so delicious!! Hope you had a great time at the events, sound like fun 🙂
    xx, Kusum | http://www.sveeteskapes.com

  2. The Southern Stylista says:

    Love your roundup!

    xoox, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  3. Angie Scheie says:

    Another great collection of links! A blogger workout and spa event sound SO lovely! Have a great weekend:)

  4. Amber Starr says:

    It’s a super hot weekend here! Lots of indoor play today!

  5. courtney says:

    So glad it’s friday but I totally feel you, it is humid and just super uncomfortable here!

  6. I love infused alcohol! This is sooo funny- I mean the buzzfeed post. I love the coffee post.

  7. Kim S says:

    Plans this weekend are running with my training group on Saturday the watching my hubby compete in mountain bike race on Sunday!

  8. Sorry, I got lost at pineapple gin. Lovely roundup and checking out some of those links for you! Love that you share things that caught your attention over the week.

  9. Madalena says:

    Here in Portugal the weather is getting better since Summer is coming (:
    Have a lovely weekend,


  10. Sarah says:

    Oh em geeee, the s’mores! My kids are going to love them. Thanks for those! Mmm.

  11. candy says:

    Going to be 100 degrees tons of indoor activities.

  12. Anna Saldi says:

    I’ll be honest, wallpapering bring up not so great memories of growing up in Russia and having to help my mom wallpaper our apartment. But keep in mind, the wallpaper was of poor quality and we had to make our own glue by boiling starch. Best of luck!

  13. Cori says:

    With the weather my county’s had this week and more of it coming, sweatpants and book sound like a good idea. Enjoy your weekend.