February 26, 2016

Friday Roundup

friday roundup a life well consumed

friday roundup a life well consumedTGIF! I’m so glad it’s time for a Friday Roundup because that means it’s the weekend! I’m tired, I feel a cold coming on and I have so much to catch up on this weekend. Our plans are nothing exciting, blog stuff, house stuff, maybe catch a movie, read in bed. Super exciting right? But hey, sometimes you just have to get shit done!

Has anyone watched Love on Netflix? Curtis and I binged watched that this week. Really freakin’ good! Another gem from Judd Apatow. We enjoyed that it showed the awkward side of dating, the main leads weren’t drop dead gorgeous people and the opening credit song is catchy. Plus those graphics are so hipster haha.

Oh and has anyone noticed the influx of pancakes on Instagram the last couple of days? All I want for dinner tonight is pancakes! Light, fluffy pancakes with berries and syrup… Curtis are you reading this?!

What are your plans this weekend? Anyone watching the Oscars? I can’t wait for John Oliver on Sunday night and another episode of Togetherness! + Girls, I still watch that one and the new Vinyl show on HBO. Plus Shameless and Billions… yeah my PVR is full!

P.S. Did you see last week’s Friday Roundup? And don’t forget to follow me on Snapchat alifewellconsum! Just starting to get the hang of this, I feel really old!

Friday Roundup Links

1. Hilarious post on House Hunters! Yes to why paint colours matters! (Buzzfeed)
2. I want to make this garlic bread! (The Kitchn)
3. I want to read to a shelter dog! Awesome program (Bored Panda)
4. This is too funny! I feel better about my day already! (Buzzfeed)
5. I just want to dive into this risotto milanese tonight with a bottle of wine (Food52)
6. 10 rules to taking Instagram food pictures (Bon Appetit)

In case you missed it this week on the blog: 6 Spring Trends, 6 Ways to Get a Better Sleep and Imagine 2016 Fundraiser (Win tickets!)

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10 responses on "Friday Roundup"

  1. Roxy says:

    You’re weekend sounds a lot like mine, but somehow I didn’t get half the shit done I needed to. I have got to check out that Bon Apetit link. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Leslie says:

      thanks roxy! truth be told, i didn’t get everything done either 🙁

  2. Amber Starr says:

    That garlic bread looks amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Kaley says:

    Great group of links! Definitely want to check out Love!

  4. I want to try that garlic bread too! I love garlic bread! I love bread in general. I am also really interested in the reading to a shelter dog program!

    1. Leslie says:

      garlic bread is the best! i could eat a whole loaf to myself no problem 🙂

  5. Dia Darling says:

    I finished Love last night. It’s such a great show! Very realistic on how much it sucks being single now days. I love how raw the characters are it’s not all cookie cuter and little Aptow’s character is hilarious.
    I hope it gets a 2nd season.

    1. Leslie says:

      me too! it was so good and funny!

  6. Candy says:

    Great Friday round up.

  7. Amber says:

    I’ll have to check out Love!

    I do enjoy watching Girls.