February 4, 2016

6 of My Favourite Food Bloggers on Instagram

favourite food bloggers instagram

Following food bloggers on Instagram is one of my hobbies you could say. I love to see their pictures for inspiration, see what new recipes they have come up with and literally just enjoy the food porn! Looking at who I follow lately,  I have come to realize that I really gravitate towards baked goods. Pretty cakes, cookies, biscuits, brownies, pies, they all look amazing. This is not a good thing for my waistline, probably why I’m craving sweets lately at night..

I wanted to share six of my favourite food bloggers that I follow. There is probably 1000 that I do follow, but these six stand out for me this week. Their pictures are all drool-worthy, their recipes look delicious, I really love their personalities and their blogs! All winning combinations if you ask me. Check them out!

Who do you follow? Any favourites? Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram to see what I’m up to!

Six Food Bloggers On Instagram You Must Follow

I fell in love with her feed a year ago, her witty personality won me over along with her fun, tasty recipes!

favourite food bloggers instagram

A great variety of recipes are featured on her feed from her blog. All her recipes are simple and delicious and shot in a moody theme that I love!
favourite food bloggers instagram

A fellow Canadian that focuses on baking in her feed. Her pictures have a Scandinavian feel, very earthy and homey but her recipes pop out at you.
favourite food bloggers instagram

A variety of savoury and sweet recipes are in her feed. Each and everyone jumps out at me and I feel inspired to get in my kitchen. She also shares a little of her personal life and her choice of filters are appealing.
favourite food bloggers instagram

Vibrant, fun photos of her food are featured in this LA food bloggers feed. She is also the Winner of Saveur Blog Awards Readers’ Choice Best New Voice. Her pictures have a little bit of whimsy to them and I really want to make those muffins asap!
favourite food bloggers instagram
Tiffany is from Seattle and the lighting in her pictures illustrates for me that city. I love that she sticks with the landscape images instead of cropped. It’s refreshing to see in my feed daily. She focuses on baking and I dream of being invited to a party at her place! Dessert would be the highlight!
favourite food bloggers instagram

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18 responses on "6 of My Favourite Food Bloggers on Instagram"

  1. Victoria says:

    All this food is fantastic!

    1. Leslie says:

      thanks victoria, beware you may become reallly hungry looking at their feeds 🙂

  2. Angie Scheie says:

    @Ashrod is here in Seattle too, and I was able to hear her speak at an event this summer. She is great in person!! I hadn’t heard of @ohhoneybakes who you say is also local so I’ll have to check her out. Thanks! I’m also hungry now…lol

    1. Leslie says:

      oh wow! so jealous you saw her in person 🙂 haha sorry!

  3. Kusum says:

    Oh this post is not good for me, now I am going to be staring at food posts all night (and day) 😉 Thank you for putting this list together, I am heading over to Insta right now to check them out.
    xx, Kusum | http://www.sveeteskapes.com

    1. Leslie says:

      haha that’s my life!

  4. I wish I could talk awesome pictures of food I have more recipes I want to share but don’t want to post crappy pics. I know a huge part of being a good food blogger is presentation, I’m not a food blogger but I want to have awesome photos lol

    1. Leslie says:

      there are so many great resources for food photography! Minimalist Baker or Pinch of Yum share some good tips!

  5. I love your choices. I am a sucker for certain recipes and now I’m going to be spending the next hour going through your list!

    1. Leslie says:

      thanks carol!

  6. laci says:

    Great list definitely my style going to follow

  7. maryrose says:

    Who knew food look so good! This post made me very hungry haha! Thanks for sharing these amazing food bloggers!

  8. Emily says:

    You’re making me hungry!!! Definitely checking out these accounts 🙂 thanks Chica

  9. Ariel says:

    I love that I’ve never seen any of these users before! I’m about to follow them all! I’m always on Instagram too for all kinds of inspiration 🙂 Thanks for sharing these!

    1. Leslie says:

      thanks ariel! i love finding new people to follow 🙂

  10. Truly touched by the compliment…and what great company. I follow and love all of these bloggers as well…all great. Thank you so so much Leslie! xoxo

    1. Leslie says:

      thanks rebecca!